Taxes & Game Economy
BOB Arena implements fees to sustain marketing efforts, protect its total value locked, support development, and the core team:
8% tax on any crystal bought (to be split among marketing spendings and the team)
No taxes for arenas payouts
6% on every sold item through the marketplace (94% goes to the seller, 3% to the team, 3% directly in the total value locked for profits payout)
Sustainability & Game Economy
The real difference between BOB Arena and any other blockchain-related project lies in how the game supports itself.
Since every hero has a certain percentage and probability of existence, it is possible, through statistics, to estimate the amount of ETH entering the game for a certain hero to release ETH payouts, without incurring insolvency in the economy or creating various pyramidal structures.
But that's not all!
Right from its release, BOB Arena will have an open marketplace for players to sell their heroes and items. Every sell will directly benefit the game's economy through a 3% tax
Players can attempt to upgrade their heroes; each level has a different upgrade cost and a percentage chance of being destroyed. 100% of the amount raised through upgrades benefits the game economy
Any direct purchase of crystals or crystals+ also directly benefits (excluding taxes) the game economy
In order to start an arena with high level heroes, players need to first to increase the level of their characters (every concluded arena increase the character level by 1)
Last updated